Sahabat Kecil by Gita Tunggal Crescendo Singers League

Jumat, 29 Mei 2015

Two Ways

Okay I will learn again to believe in your way. Now, if your way is different from mine, I hope that I will never leave You.

Sebenernya Firman kaya gini bisa dibilang ga gua banget. Berat banget kalo kenyataan yang ada bertentangan dengan kehendak pribadi.

However, who is the pilot now? Looking backward, my prayer was full of requests and most of them were about begging to God. Did I ask for your way, Lord? It seems that I have never been asking for your will for a long time.

Okay then, this is my request for You
Change my heart.
Pure my heart from any decay.
Teach me to become the person You desire me to be.
Help me to keep trusting You whatever the condition will be.
Forgive me, the sinner.

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