For Muslims, it becomes As-Salamu alaykum and the reply is Wa-Alaikum as-Salaam. There are no differences at all between both of them. The meaning still remains, though.
Well, have you ever considered how expensive it is?
When I look into the past, many things showed up in front of my eyes that conflicts happened more often than peace. Just take a look at myself. How bad were things going on, huh? Hatred and bitterness filled my heart. Then, it affected an enormous demolition. For the first time since I had accepted Jesus as my Savior. I kinda feel like a dumb. I have not felt like being chained for months before.
I don't know why for recent days I feel like He's talking about peace and love continuously.
Based on Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, "Menerima Konflik - Jalan Menuju Damai yang Sejati. Anda tidak bisa memiliki damai sejati dari kerajaan Kristus bersamaan dengan kebohongan dan kepura-puraan. Semua itu harus dibuka dalam terang dan diganti dengan kebenaran. Ini adalah tindakan yang dewasa dan kasih. ... panggilan untuk menjadi pembawa damai yang sejati dengan pernyataan bahwa penganiayaan akan menimpa setiap kita yang mengikuti jalan-Nya ini."
Yesterday, He talked through quiet time that "May you know the peace of Christmas every day of the year"
On the same day, I watched a TV program and found myself being astonished. Besides love and peaces are shouted over and over again, two of some person that I hate were mentioned. What a surprise! A reconciliation, perhaps?
I received an email from LilinKecil as a Christmas greetings. Again, it is written "Mari kita menjadi pembawa cinta kasih, damai, dan terang bagi dunia. Semoga kehidupan kita dan keluarga selalu dipenuhi cinta dan damai."
On 24 December, I served as a pianist as well. Everything was going well until the drama began. Not much different with Perkantas had done before. It was only about peace and love which given for the world full of anger, grudge, disappointment.
Then, I'm asking right now. How to be a piece maker when I'm not filled with peace and love enough? The first step comes from yourself, right?
There is a Hymn song about this. The title is "Make Me a Channel of Your Peace".
Make me a channel of Your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me bring Your love,
Where there is injury, Your pardon Lord,
And where there's doubt, true faith in You.
Oh Master, grant that I may never seek,
So much to be consoled as to console,
To be understand, as to understand,
To be loved, as to love with all my soul.
Make me a channel of your peace,
Where's there's despair in life let me bring hope,
Where there is darkness - only light,
And where there's sadness, ever joy
Make me a channel of your peace,
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
In giving to all men that we receive,
And in dying that we're born to eternal life.
Watch this:
Sung by Dragon School Oxford and it is so touching.
I know this song from my dad. I fell in love instantly with this song at the first hear! Then, I was so curious about this song. Then, I found that this song is inspired from The Prayer of Saint Francis.
Hari ini (26 Desember), benar-benar kaget. Ada perasaan ga enak entah dari mana. Dan entah kenapa pengen buka twitter dan buka akun orang itu. Dan, ternyata benar aja feeling aneh ini terkonfirmasi. Masih pahit ternyata ya?
Rasanya menyakitkan ketika tahu ada orang yang merasakan kepahitan ketika diri sendiri mengalaminya.
Harapanku masih ada.
"Semakin terang dan murni terang supernatural ilahi, semakin gelap pengalaman jiwa kita"
Ketika disini kita mungkin merasa baik-baik aja. Bisa saja entah siapapun itu di waktu yang sama justru mengalami kejadian yang membuat luka. Satu sisi bersyukur karena masih ada sukacita. Di sisi lain, mengajarkanku untuk tidak lupa mendoakan mereka yang tidak seberuntung aku sekarang sekalipun aku tidak mengenal mereka sama sekali.
Selamat Natal, Dunia
Hevenu Shalom Aleichem.
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