"The Harvest is Plentiful but The Workers are Few."
Two days ago, Thy Word came to me as the confirmation of student ministry's service. At the moment, it is not really hard to make a decision whether I have to continue this service or not.
I also have desire to serve students because they, who served me when I was a student before, have already served me as well. It is kinda a debt. Why? They saw me as a lost sheep so that they came to save me from the great destruction. From the deepest of my heart, I wanna thank you guys so much. All of you have a special part in my life.
My background was dark. Church, prayer, service, or uh umm.. whatever, were just masks to hide my dilapidation as well. Well, time flies. Now, I am totally saved, and only by his grace, Cross is too much for me to be kept alone. That vision, uh umm.. the mysterious vision, drives me to share the gospel, especially for the students.
As I mentioned earlier, the 'our daily bread' came to delegate me continuing this service. When God said so, do I have right to deny his will when I have realized before that I have already been a disciple of God? It does not talk about me anymore.
Now, I'm asking God to fill my heart with compassion. "When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd" (Matthew 9: 36)
Fill with compassion for all creation
Jesus came into a world that was lost
There was but one way that He could save us
Only through suffering death on a cross.
Rasa belas kasihan yang dimiliki Yesus adalah perasaan yang membuat hati Yesus bergetar hebatnya sampai isi perutnya Dia seakan mau keluar. Bagaimana ya mendapat perasaan sedemikian hebatnya? Perasaan dan perspektif dari Sang Gembala Agung yang melihat domba-domba-Nya tersesat dan terhilang. Maka dari itu, Kristus datang bukan untuk diri-Nya sendiri tapi untuk menyelamatkan mereka (kami) yang terhilang.
Great is Your passion for all the people
Living and dying without knowing You
Having no savior, they're lost forever
If we don't speak out and lead them to You
Mungkin ini yang menyebabkan perasaan Yesus tercabik-cabik ketika melihat manusia hanya hidup dan mati tanpa sempat mengenal Dia, Sang Gembala Agung. Akan selamanya tidak memiliki juruselamat dan tersesat jika bukan kita yang membawa mereka kepada Kristus. Mungkin, ini yang dilihat oleh mereka yang menyelamatkan gua dulu. Mereka tahu gua akan binasa dengan segala kebusukan dalam diri gua tanpa pernah tersentuh oleh Kristus.
God You are waiting, Your heart is breaking
For all the perople who live on the earth
Stir us to action, filled with Your passion
For all the people who live on the earth
"Sebagai rekan sekerja Allah di bumi, kita meyakini bahwa kehendak Allah akan terlaksana sementara di saat yang sama kita sendiri mengabdikan diri dalam pekerjaan apapun yang harus kita lakukan."
Ini aku, utus aku.
A Given Name
Thank God for today cell group! The application of today meeting is to write it down our quite time and share it to our group every day. Hope we will be faithful to keep our commitment today.
"The naming of children is as old as time. As Joseph wrestled with the news that his fiancee, Mary, was pregnant, the angel brought him insight from the Father about naming the Baby: "She will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins" (Matt 1: 21). Not only would Jesus be His name, but it would also explain the reason for his coming into the world: to take on Himself the punishment we deserve for our sin. His redemptive purpose behind the manger is wrapped up in the perfectly given Name above all Names."
In the beginning, the writer -Bill Crowder Jr.- writes that he was given the name by attaching "Junior" from his father name just because he was born in the same date as his father's birth date. It was an unique way to name someone!
What's more? In the 'Insight' section, it is written: "Jesus, the Greek form of the Hebrew word Joshua, means "The Lord saves" and describes what he came to do: "He will save His people from their sins (Matthew 1: 21). This phrase comes from Psalm 130: 7-8 where Israel is encouraged to "put (their) hope in the LORD... He himself will redeem Israel from all they sins" (NIV)"
According to http://www.behindthename.com/name/joshua , Joshua's meaning comes from the Hebrew name Yehoshu'a meaning YAHWEH is salvation. The name Jesus comes from a Greek translation from the Aramaic short from Yeshu'a, which was the real name of Jesus.
Well, I really grateful to know him as a redeemer and savior. May the name of Jesus will be glorified forever!!
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