Sahabat Kecil by Gita Tunggal Crescendo Singers League

Minggu, 25 September 2016

Calming Your Soul

Be still, my soul; The hour is hastening on
When we shall be forever with the Lord
When disappointment, grief, and fear are gone
Sorrow forgot, love's purest joy restored
Be still, my soul; When change and tears are past
All safe and blessed we shall me at last

Amen :"(

Sabtu, 17 September 2016

The Survival Float


Certain situations in life require us to spend our mental, physical, or emotional energy in a way that we can’t sustain... As he (King David) processed his feelings, he found a way to rest in his troubled thoughts. He said, “Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you” (Ps. 55:22)

Instead of trying to do everything in our own effort, we can find rest in God. Sometimes it’s as simple as asking Him to handle our problems. Then we can pause, relax, and enjoy the knowledge that He is sustaining us.


Hanya dekat Allahku
Rasa tenang hatiku
Kau sertai jalanku
S'panjang hidupku

Hanya dekat pada-Mu
Ada kekuatan baru
Kau lah perlindunganku

Ku ingin s'lalu bersekutu dengan-Mu
Menikmati hadirat-Mu
Biarkan Roh-Mu tingal dalam hidupku
Sungguh indah bersama-Mu

Selasa, 13 September 2016

Badman vs Spiritman: Reborn



Why do I have to obey if I can ran away?

Sebuah tempat yang sudah sama sekali tidak ingin berada di sini lagi
Sekumpulan orang yang tidak ingin berjumpa lagi dengan mereka
Sebuah jabatan yang sama sekali tidak ingin ku emban
Secercah visi ilahi yang sudah lama memudar

Sebuah neraka bernama komunitas

Bukankah sebelumnya juga ada yang mundur? Apa bedanya?
Kenapa harus jadi teladan di tengah krisis?
Bahkan masih terekam jelas dosa sepanjang mata memandang


Sedangkan Engkau, ya Allah

Pergi ke tempat dimana tiada seorang pun terpikir kesana
Berjumpa jiwa demi jiwa yang sangat Engkau rindukan
Tak memandang kesetaraan dengan Allah untuk dipertahankan
Api visi berkobar menghanguskan dosa

Mahakarya kasih bernama Salib

Bukankah Engkau seharusnya mundur? Di "Taman Air Mata" menetes darah pilu!
Kenapa "kehendak Bapa bukan kehendak-Ku?"
Bahkan rela terpisah seperti kami yang telah terpisah

"Preach the wounded Savior to a wounded world" Ravi Zacharias

our key focus is not effort but surrender—to live moment by moment submissively trusting in the Lord rather than in self.

Why do I have to run away if I can obey?

Rabu, 07 September 2016

I Wonder Have I Done My Best for Jesus


I wonder have I done my best for Jesus who died upon the cruel tree?
To think of  His great sacrifice at Calvary!

I wonder have I cared enough for others, or have I let them die alone?

I wonder have I done my best for Jesus, when He has done so much for me?

by E. Edwin Young