Hidup ini bagaikan sebuah piano. Berwarna hitam dan berwarna putih. Kadang mayor kadang minor. Ada intro ada ending. Tetapi ketika Tuhan yang memainkannya hidup akan menjadi indah. ~Samuel Ivander Aritonang.
Hello my friend ^^ Let me introduce myself.
My name is Samuel Ivander Aritonang. You can call me Samuel. First I want to welcome you. This is my first blog. Do you know me very well?? If you don't, I'll tell you everything about me.
Cekidot :D
I'm Christian. Now. I'm study at SMAN 1 Depok. I'm 16 years old. I love Manchester United and music very much. I can play piano and guitar. I'm tall with average-weight. I think that's all about me (bingung mau nulis apa lagi -__-).
Hmm..... as a normal person, I only do things that normal people do (makan pastinya ^^). If I have time to spare I will play piano or guitar. I think music is a big part of my life. By the way when I was 3rd grade, my dad ask to me signed me piano course. Now I've just realized that music is an important thing. You know why? Hmm...I was able to show to my friends :D (kidding :)) But now I use my expertise to offer it to the Lord.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the person who inspire me. But, I still have to learn to be like him. Sometimes I listen his song and say 'wow'! I think he deserves a tittle the world's greatest musician.
We each had a dream. I have a dream to be a great musician. Is it impossible? I say it's possible!!! Try harder to climb that mountain. Then you should low self-esteem when it is succesful. Thank you for reading :D
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. ~Confucius